Life test
Testing the number of times for which the door closer under test can close a door.
Overload damage test
Simulating a door being shut forcibly, in order to check if the door closer under test conforms to the cushioning standard, the goal being to prevent the door from hitting another object or a person forcibly.
Door opening and closing efficiency test
Testing with a computer the magnitudes and steadiness of the door opening force and door closing force at each predetermined angle.
High/low-temperature test
Simulating an ambient temperature ranging from -30°C to 60°C in order to check if the door closing speed and performance of the door closer under test may change.
Spring life test
Testing the number of times for which the spring under test can be used, in order to ensure a consistent door closing force.
Salt spray test
Testing the degree of corrosion of the product under test.
International certification